Sunday, November 13, 2011

My First Blog Post!

I've started this post to encourage me to lose weight and inspire others.

 I am a 31 year old single woman living in a very small town.  I'm a Pre K teacher and I absolutely love my job!  However, I lack confidence in most of my personal life due to my weight.  I currently weigh 194.8.  Two month agos, I weighed 175.6.  I was active in a dance class and a boot camp.  I was losing inches and developing ab definition.  Due to personal events in the past two months, I gained 20 pounds and completely stopped working out.

But the personal stuff is resolved and I'm now upset that I let myself become so upset that I damaged the progress I made over a 5 month period.  It has lead me to this blog.   I'm determined to lose the weight and hit my of 135 pounds.  Not through a diet but through a lifestyle change.  I plan to devote this blog as my wieght loss journey, but I'll add other things that I'm interested in to help encourage me to lose weight.  I plan to blog meal ideas, recipes, fitness, and any interesting health information that I read.  I also will break up some of this with fashion and make up.  I love clothes and make up and I plan to use clothes and makeup as a reward.
